Thursday 31 January 2019

What do you know about the benefits of carambola fruit?

Carambola fruit or star fruit, have you ever heard of this miraculous fruit before, they contribute to control diabetes, reduce cholesterol levels in the body and fight inflammation.

Bunch of star fruit aerial

The carambola fruit, known for its star-like shape, is yellowish when it is ripe and has a sweet acidic flavor, combining the taste of grapes and citrus, making it popular and favorite for many. North America, North Asia, the Caribbean Islands and Latin America are known for their production.

In addition to the distinctive taste of carambola, it has a distinctive nutritional value. It is a rich source of many antioxidants and is a source of vitamin C, vitamin B, riboflavin, folic acid and niacin. And many important minerals necessary for the body, such as: zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

It is also a rich source of dietary fiber and water and low in calories, each 100 grams of which contains about 31 calories only.

Benefits of Carambola

1-Enhance digestion process:

Carambola is rich in dietary fiber and water. It promotes digestion and elimination in the body and relieves it from toxins. It also contributes to softening stool, which means protecting you from constipation, digestive tract infections and hemorrhoids. Dietary fiber is defined as a fight against cancers associated with the digestive system and the colon, in particular, and promotes the intestinal health environment.

 In addition to the past, it was found that eating the post-meal carambola enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and helps in the digestion process and prevention of contact and feeling overwhelmed, especially after meals fatty.

2-Beneficial to pregnant and fetus:

Carambola is a rich source of a number of minerals and vitamins important to the pregnant and fetus, a source of folic acid is very important for the health of pregnant and fetus and circulation, and it protects the development of congenital malformations and brain development problems and deformity of the neural tube in the fetus when it gets pregnant in sufficient quantities.
Pregnant woman touching her belly

 Some evidence suggests that postnatal intake is useful in increasing breast milk production and promoting breast-feeding.

3-Useful for your beauty and skin:

It is a source of flavinoids and a rich source of vitamin C, the free and enhanced promoter of collagen production in the body. It is also rich in zinc that makes it a role in the treatment of acne and the fight against inflammation and skin problems.

4-Natural antibiotic:

Star fruit is an antibiotic for many microbes and bacteria, not only because of its antioxidant content, but because it is an anti-inflammatory that can be caused by E. coli: Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella.

5-Diabetes Control:

Because of the premium fiber content of the carambola, it is considered an organization of blood sugar levels, contributes to its preservation, and its richness in magnesium also helps to increase the effectiveness of this property. This may be one of the most suitable fruits for diabetics.

6-Eye health:

Young woman wearing eyeglasses touching her eyes with handBecause of the aroma content of vitamin A and antioxidants, it plays an important role in promoting eye health and protection from age-related problems such as macular degeneration.

7-Treatment of sleep problems and disorders:

Black woman headache and sleepingCarambola is a rich source of certain minerals that may enhance the sleep process and treat disorders, and may fight insomnia. Carambola is a source of magnesium metal is very important in the process of regulating the work of nerves and nerve impulses and help to relax and to cope with the problems of sleep disorders.

8-Enhance immunity:

The carambola fruit content of powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin C significantly contributes to the enhancement of immunity by fighting free radicals and inflammatory agents.

9-Promote cardiovascular health:

The consumption of carambola fruit in a balanced diet rich in fiber contributes to the promotion of cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and fat levels, thanks to its fiber content and its contribution to weight loss, and raising the rate of HDL cholesterol, thus contributing to reducing the risk of disease Heart and arteries and strokes.

 Its high content of magnesium helps regulate heart function and pulse rate.

10-Regulation of blood pressure:

The content of this high potassium and magnesium fruit, in contrast to its sodium deficiency, contributes significantly to the regulation of blood pressure levels and the reduction of the risk of high blood pressure.

Are there any  side effects to eat?

Despite all the health benefits borne by us carambola fruit, but there are some recommendations by specialists indicate that some categories may not suit them, such as:

*Those suffering from renal or renal failure are a high source of oxalic acid. As it may cause them nausea, vomiting and strike.

*It also found a similar effect to the grapefruit the direction of some drugs, as their components may interfere with both opiates, statins, or benzodiazepines and affect their work. So always consult your doctor before taking it if you are taking medication.

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