Tuesday 22 January 2019

Benefits of Sage

The sage is one of the traditional herbs known since ancient times for its various therapeutic uses. What are the benefits of sage? Is it harmful?

Sage (the scientific name: Salvia Officinalis) is a known herb since ancient times. It is a long-standing, evergreen shrub with a sharp flavor , found in the Mediterranean and South Eastern Europe.

Since the Roman era, it has been used for many medical and therapeutic purposes and is currently involved in the manufacture of many pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical products.

The sage grows in alkaline and sandy soils and with sufficient sunlight and woody, grayish gray-colored leaves, blooms in the summer with violet and blue flowers that breed bees.

Uses and varieties of sage

Sick leaves are often used in many medical and therapeutic purposes, in cooking or as herbal drinks. It has several types, including:

*The three-lobed Sage is the shape of its leaves. It is commonly diffused in Mediterranean areas and is known for its use with tea.

*Merary Clary Sage It is famous for its fragrant smell leaves used to treat throat problems, sore throat and perfume industry.

*Pineapple sage that uses fresh leaves to add flavor to various drinks and sweets.

The nutritional value of the sage

The plant contains a range of chemical plant compounds, essential oils, vitamins and minerals, which are also known for their role in combating disease and promoting health:

*The active compound in the sage is the essential oil consisting of ketones, ketones, pha-thujone, and beta-thujone ß-thujone.

*Other active compounds, such as: Borneol, Cineol, Cornsole, Fumaric Fumaric.

*Acids, such as: Cornsolic acid, tannic acid, and nicotinic acids.

*Flavinoid substances, such as: flavones and flavone glycosides.

*Astrogen compounds.

*The group of B vitamins compounds such as: folic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine and riboflavin.

*A high source of vitamin A (beta carotene), as every 100 g of dry sage provides about 5900 IU of it.

*A source of vitamin C and a number of important minerals such as iron and potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Benefits of sage

There are many health benefits to the diet, let us know:

1. Strengthen mental abilities and fight Alzheimer's

Thujone thrombocytopenia is a GABA receptor and serotonin, which helps to:

Brain, Mental, Health, Psychology, Head*Increased concentration, improved mental processes, mental alertness and thinking process.

*Strengthen memory and enhance the functioning of the senses when taken orally.

*Its scent can help to promote vigilance.

Some studies have shown positive effects in the treatment of Alzheimer's. It has been shown that 4 months of septicemia contributed to memory improvement in Alzheimer's patients with mild to moderate memory problems.

2- Anti-inflammatory and allergy

The sage contains compounds and active substances such as Cineol, Borneol, Chlorogenic. Which make it properties:


*Anti-allergic and irritable.

*Repellent for parasites and fungi.

3. Promote heart health and reduce cholesterol

Some studies found that:

The flavonoids known as Salvigenin, which are contained in some sage species - especially the trilobite species - help relax blood vessels and protect against cardiovascular disease.

Sodium content of potassium, magnesium, manganese and calcium helps in:

*Control of heart rate and blood pressure.
*Maintain fluid balance in the body.

Some experiments also found that taking the sage three times a day for a month led to:

*Significant decrease in LDL cholesterol levels.

*Low levels of triglycerides in the body.

*High HDL cholesterol.

Which may make the tumor has a positive role in the treatment of high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

4. Promote skin health

sage has many benefits for skin and skin health:

As the source of vitamin C is:

*Helps in the synthesis of collagen is important for regenerating cells, forming them and protecting them from oxidation and free radicals.

Hand Massage, Treatment, Finger, Keep*Helps maintain the integrity of the skin, bones, teeth and gums.

*sage is rich in beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant and important for the safety of the skin and promote its health.

*It was also found that the application of ointments containing the essence of the sage for the treatment of some skin ulcers and Herpes has actually accelerated the process of healing and within a few days, from 6-7 days.

5. Enhance and strengthen immunity

The sage content of anti-inflammatory substances and many antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C make it a major role in:

Promote immunity and resistance to infectious diseases and free radicals that cause inflammation in the body.
Prevention against certain types of cancers such as skin cancer.

6- Treatment of menstrual problems and symptoms of menopause

Contain the sage on estrogenic compounds act of the female hormone estrogen, eating the sage may help in:

Relieve pain and menstrual cycle problems.

Minimize symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flushes and night sweats.

Benefits of sage for skin and hair

It is found that the use of sage some cosmetic benefits that belong to the hair and skin, they are:

With anti-aging properties, and the secret of maintaining the youth permanently, they are:

*It promotes blood circulation and stimulates cell regeneration.

*Rich in vitamin A, known as the beauty vitamin and important for cell regeneration, acts as an antioxidant and thus helps in the prevention of wrinkles and fine lines.

It is a natural remedy for cellulite, as:

sage improves blood circulation and removes toxins from the body, thus helping to eliminate cellulite and reduce its appearance.
sage oil can prevent and prevent the occurrence of cellulite.

It was found that the essential oil in the sage strengthens the scalp and is useful for treating hair problems, by promoting blood flow in the scalp, which reduces hair loss and strengthens the formation of follicles.

Benefits of sage for pregnancy and fertility

sage has some effect on body hormones as follows:

Some female specialists may associate with increasing female fertility and treating some infertility problems because they contain estrogenic compounds that act as estrogen.
Baby, Birth, Born, Care, Cute, Expecting

Some studies have found that eating foods rich in estrogen may already have a positive effect on breast size, and the sage is rich in compounds similar to estrogen.

Benefits of sage for Children

Many women may use herbs to treat some of their baby's health problems, believing that everything natural is safe and effective and has no side effects. Of course, this is not true.

This is confirmed by a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, which denied the author of the study, Dr. Linda White, and confirmed that the use of some plants and herbs may have a negative impact and decoration on the health of the child.

This applies to the sage that may be useful when used with appropriate dose and to treat specific cases, but studies are still few on the impact on the health of the child, so advise to resort to use for your child without consulting your doctor.

Damages of the sage and its side effects

The sage should be treated with caution, although many benefits may be harmful.

Quantity allowed

According to scientific research conducted on the doses allowed to take from the sieve, they are as follows:

*To treat memory problems and Alzheimer's disease: Recommended dosage 1 g of sage extract once daily, or 2.5 mg three times a day.

*In skin treatments, such as Lip Herbs, can be applied to the skin by using an ointment containing a sage extract of 23 mg / g, as follows:
Every 2-4 hours of the first day of the onset of symptoms.

For a period not exceeding 10 to 14 days.

Side effects and damage of sage

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the sage is safe to use either orally or used in creams and lotions, if:

*Within the recommended quantities.

*Over a short period (not exceeding four months).

The treatment of sage is safe when taken high dose or for a long time, as found by the studies, the Thogon found in the sage may:

*Have a toxic effect on the body if taken in large quantities.

*Damage to the nervous system and liver.

*Eating more than 12 drops of essential sage oil is a toxic dose.

And of course there may be some special categories and situations that require caution when taking the sage, and include:

1 - Sensitivity to estrogen

Sedation contains estrogenic compounds that have the same effect as female hormone estrogen, which may have negative effects on certain estrogen-sensitive conditions, such as:

*breast cancer.
*Cervical cancer.
*Ovarian cancer and uterine fibroids.

2 - patients with blood pressure

Some patients with low or high blood pressure may be affected by the treatment of Mirmiya species, as it was found that:

Some sage species, such as the Spanish sage Salvia lavandulaefolia, may increase blood pressure.
Hypertension, High Blood PressureOther types, such as Salvia officinalis, may reduce blood pressure.

Therefore, if you are a patient with blood pressure, you should be aware of the pressure levels affected when you eat the sage.

3- Diabetic patients

The diuretic may have an effect on blood sugar levels, as it may reduce them. Therefore, diabetics should pay attention to the amounts they may take, so as not to cause a severe shortage of blood sugar levels.

4 - Pregnant and breastfeeding

It is usually not recommended to take the sickle for pregnant and lactating as follows:

During pregnancy, because they contain chemical compounds, such as thujon, may have adverse effects on the pregnant woman may reach the risk of miscarriage.

Breastfeeding women are not recommended for drinking in high quantities, as it is found that the thujone found in their leaves may inhibit breast milk.

5. Post-surgical procedures

It may be advisable to avoid taking sage or take it in the form of drugs before surgery at least two weeks in order to control the levels of sugar in the blood during and after surgery.

6 - Drug interactions

The treatment may affect the work of some medicines such as:

Pills, Medicine, Medical, Health, Drug
*Diabetic drugs such as insulin and chloropropamide.

*Medication and Antidepressants. Such as: Clonopin, and Donnatal.

*Antihypertensive drugs (Anticonvulsants). 
Such as primidone (Mysoline) and valproic acid (Depakene).

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