Saturday 2 February 2019

20 Ways to lose weight without dieting!

One of the words threatening us in our lives is the word diet - dieting. Most of us are immersed in our stomachs, most of our lives, when we grow old, and between diet and other we recover all the kilograms lost by the sweat of our brow. Stop suffering and make small changes that will help you to lose weight without dieting!

Asian woman weight loss and diet concept

Methods of weight loss without dieting

1-Measure and determine meal time

For slimming without dieting, measure and set the time of each meal so that it lasts for 20 minutes and promises yourself to eat slowly.

 This habit makes you lose a good number of kilograms without any need to follow a complex diet. Enjoy each bite and make the meal continue until the alarm bell goes off. Slow meals provide more fun than the food and in total the amounts of eating are smaller.

 During the first 20 minutes of eating, the satiety hormones in the body are stimulating and after 20 minutes you begin to feel full. Therefore, eating fast causes swallowing very large amounts of food unnecessarily.

2-Sleep more, your weight becomes less

An extra bedtime at night can help cut about 6 kg per year, according to research conducted at the University of Michigan. The study suggested a diet that included 2500 calories per day for all participants.

Female sleeping in bed
 The results showed that the extra sleep at night replaced an hour of vigilance where participants ate unnecessary rattles and sleep time reduced about 6% of their daily caloric intake. Moreover, there is evidence that fewer hours of sleep each night, encourages the feeling of hunger.

3-Focus on vegetables to reduce your weight

They gave with dinner three kinds of vegetables instead of one and accidentally ate more.

 The great diversity of foods makes people eat more, if a large part of these foods are fruits and vegetables - this is a great way to lose weight. 

Various fresh vegetables
They contain plenty of fiber and water, making us feel fuller with fewer calories. They can be cooked or baked without adding fat and eaten with lemon juice and fresh spices instead of salt.

 4-Eat soups

Add the soup to your daily diet, which makes you feel fuller faster. The recommended soup is vegetable soup, chicken and other types of soups that do not depend on fat.
Autumn elements and soup

 It is recommended to incorporate soup at the beginning of the meal because it makes eating slower, and makes us feel fuller faster.

5-Eating whole grains helps to lose weight

Such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and whole wheat, are an integral part of the slimming strategy without dieting.

 It helps to reduce calorie consumption and can improve your cholesterol levels.

 Today we can find whole grains in many products including pizza paste, cakes, pasta and bread.

6-Avoid eating processed meat

Sausage and pastrami are rich in fat and giving up two slices a day gives you 100 calories, which can amount to about 4.5 kg per year.

7-Choose more healthy food

For example, choose to add vegetables on pizza instead of pepperoni and will provide 100 calories in this meal.

 Also ask for a little cheese or low-fat cheese, choose thin instead of thick dough, and try to eat pizza that did not dip in oil before baking in the oven.

 Yes, there is a relationship between pizza and slimming without diet.

8-Choose your drink wisely

Reduce the amount of sugar, replace the sweetened beverages with carbonated water.

 Add soda, lemon, mint or frozen berries. It seems that the liquid sugar in the sweetened beverage does not stimulate signs of satiety in the body.

Glass of mineral carbonated water with ice A study that compared the effect of adding 450 calories a day of sweets with sweetened beverages.

 People who ate sweets consumed less calories. People who drank sweetened drinks gained more than one kilogram in just a month of adding drinks to their diet.

9- The virtue of long and slender on short and petition

The intent here is your drink glasses. You will be surprised to hear that long and thin cups reduce your beverage consumption by 25% -30%. How is this done? According to Professor Brian Fassnick of Cornell University, this is done according to the outward appearance - when we see a long cup, we think it contains more drink and do not call ourselves unleashed like in the case of the cup short. Professor Vesnik discovered that everyone tends to fill the short cup, while the long cup is filled with only 75%.

10-Practice Yoga

Women who practice yoga usually have less weight than others, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. What is the relationship? 

Woman practicing yoga by a lakeYoga practitioners remember that their orientation to the subject of food is more conscious. For example, they usually notice that the meals offered at the restaurants are very large and they eat until they feel full, even if they have not finished all the meal.

 The researchers believe that the state of self-awareness and calm developed by yoga contributes to keeping these people from eating too much. Yoga is also a way of slimming without dieting.

11-Eating at home helps to lose weight

Eat meals cooked at home at least five days a week. Where a large consumer survey conducted on the subject found that this is one of the most successful habits adopted by people who have lowered their weight.

 Cooking can be easier than you think - foods that are easy to prepare and available in every supermarket are - washed lettuce, frozen vegetables, meat or chicken sliced ​​and so on
Take a moment to "stop eating".

Most of us have the opportunity to stop eating during the meal - this is the moment we leave the fork for a few minutes, to take ourselves.

12- Pay attention to these minutes and stop eating.

 Each bite is then unnecessary for your body. Take the dish and enjoy the conversation with your friend who took part in the meal. 

This is a sign that you are saturated, but you are not full to the point of explosion. Most of us manage to miss it amazingly.

13- Chew gum with strong mint flavor

Chew gum-free sugar with a strong taste when you feel exposed to a bout of binge.

 Setting up dinner after work, attending a party, watching TV or surfing the internet, is the exact time to eat the quill unconsciously.

Girl winking and making a bubble with a gum Choose chewing gum with a strong taste to control the taste of any other food you want to put into your mouth.

 Chewing gum is an alternative to slimming without dieting.

14-Choose smaller dishes for weight loss

Choose medium sized dishes instead of large ones so you eat less. The researchers found that people who used the bigger dishes filled them with more food and eventually ate more. 

Reducing the dish can save you 100-200 calories a day and can result in a reduction of 5-10 kg per year.

 In a survey conducted on the subject, participants who "trimmed" their dishes did not feel hungry or even felt that there was a change in the size of the meal they received.

15- Be aware to  the size of the ingredients

One of the common habits of thin people is to eat small meals at every meal, at least five days a week. In the first few times you will have to measure the weight of the quantities but these will soon become automatic. Easy on yourself more and avoid loading the dining table potted food to refill the dishes again.

16-In the restaurants acted wisely

It is known that restaurant meals known to cause terrible obesity, if to reduce damage adopted the following recommendations:

Sharing the first meal with a friend.

Order a first meal instead of the main meal and add the vegetable salad with the sauce next to it.

Ask to pack half the meal to take with you before placing it on the table.

17- Look for the red sauce

Close-up view of tasty steak with sauce. male's hands begin to cut a slice.When you eat pasta, choose the sauce made from tomatoes and not from the cream. Tomato sauces usually contain much lower calories and fat compared to the cream sauce. But remember, however, you should consider the size of the dish. The pasta meal is a cup of cooked pasta, or about the size of a tennis ball.

18-Less meat helps to lose weight

Eating vegetarian meals may often be for weight loss and as a diet without dieting. Vegetarians usually weigh less than meat.

 There are several reasons for this, one of the most important are legumes. Lentil soup, hamburger legumes, beans and other delicious dishes based on legumes are rich in dietary fiber and are characterized by the low calorie value of meals derived from animal.

19- Burn 100 calories more than that are burned a day

Burning 100 calories a day leads to a reduction of up to 5 kg per year. Try one of the following methods:

* Walk for 20 minutes.

* Take out the weeds or take care of the garden for 20 minutes.

Healthy woman running with blurred background
* Clean the house for 30 minutes.

* Run for 10 minutes. All those ways of slimming without dieting.

20-Celebrate if you have a good day of nutrition

Reward yourself If you are committed to healthy eating habits, set a date to meet a good friend, make up make up, buy yourself something small and enjoy the simple success in the way of slimming without diet.

Friday 1 February 2019

Benefits of Malukhiya or" egyptian green soup"

Malukhiya benefits are numerous and important, including its ability to promote cardiovascular health, fight inflammation, strengthen the immune system and more. Let us know the full benefits from here.

ملوخية بالصور

Malukhia is a plant of Egyptian origin calculated from the group of green leafy plants. Malukhiya contains more than 30 kinds of compounds and compounds to enhance the health of the body. What are the benefits of Malukhya? Here are the details.

طريقة عمل الملوخية المجمدة بالدجاج

The most important benefits of Malukhia 

Here are the main benefits of Malukhia :

1-Control of blood pressure

The high content of Malukhia of the potassium element makes it a major role in controlling blood pressure in the body and promoting heart health.

Potassium helps relax blood vessels and increase blood flow and oxygen.

2. Promote heart health

The high content of Malukhia of potassium as mentioned above helps regulate blood pressure levels and this will also promote heart health.

In addition, the high content of dietary fiber containing meloxicity enhances its benefits. Dietary fiber helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increases HDL cholesterol.

3 - Organization of the work of the digestive system

Malukhia contains high levels of dietary fiber that helps regulate digestion, prevent constipation and relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Prevention of osteoporosis

The role of mulukhia in promoting bone growth and its protection from fragility and breakage is no doubt.
Osteoporosis in human bone
Its high content of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium and various antioxidants plays an important role in building, protecting and protecting bones.

5. Prevention of anemia 

Malukhia  have long been known for their high iron content, and the darker the color of the green, the higher their iron content.

Iron is the main component of red blood cells and its deficiency increases the chances of anemia.

6. Relax and get rid of insomnia

Smiling relaxed young woman leaning her head on sofaBenefits of Malukhia Anti-insomnia and sleep disorders, its content of potassium and magnesium helps regulate the work of nerves and help relax.

Magnesium has a significant role in combating insomnia and sleep disorders.

7 - fight free radicals and infections and strengthen immunity

The powerful antioxidants contained in Malukhia from carotenoids, selenium, and vitamins E and C make it a major role in fighting free radicals (electrolytes), thus:

*Enhance body immunity and white blood cell health.

*Skin protection, vision enhancement, skin health, anti-wrinkle, signs of aging and macular degeneration.

*Promote brain health and memory.

*In addition to what has been proven by some research on the benefits of Malukhia in the fight against various types of cancers, specifically related to the digestive system colon cancer.

*Vitamin E also plays a major role in controlling inflammation and relieving its symptoms such as arthritis and rheumatism.

The nutritional value of Malukhia 

Malukhiya contains many different nutrients necessary for various vital body processes:

*It is a rich source of dietary fiber and antioxidants such as carotenoids.

*Is a source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, in addition to the element of selenium is important for health and strengthening immunity.

*Malukhya is a treasure for various vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and niacin.

Each 100 grams of Malukhia contains about 26 calories, so they are low in calories and high in fiber, making them very suitable for those looking for low calorie recipes that help in weight loss and appetite control.

8 Health Benefits of turnips

The benefits of turnip high nutritional value, derives from the wonderful benefits that belong to the health and rights of the human, what are the benefits of turnips? Let us discover it through the following article:

Row of turnip vegetables on marble backdrop

Turnip is one of the most famous root vegetables of high nutritional value, rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful and varied antioxidants, which have given many benefits to the body and immunity. It is usually dealt with raw and added to the authorities.

Benefits of turnips

has many benefits, including:

1-Source of many minerals and vitamins

Green turnip leaves contain high levels of vitamin K essential for several vital processes in the body. Fresh turnips contain several powerful antioxidants such as carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and xanthin.

 In addition to many minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, and some types of vitamins of the group B vitamins of Niacin and Thiamin and Violet and Perodoxin and riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

2-Helps to lose weight

Has a role in helping to lose weight. Rapes may be a good option to include in your daily diet if you are trying to maintain weight or lose weight, enrich your meals with antioxidants, minerals and various vitamins.

Woman standing on a scale
 As it is a vegetable high in dietary fiber and low in calories every 100 grams of it contains about 28 calories.

4-Enhance immunity

Raft is one of the richest root vegetables of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant against the free radicals necessary to enhance body immunity and prevent inflammation and fight against cancer, enters vitamin C collagen synthesis and construction, which plays a role in maintaining the skin and health of the skin. Each 100 grams of turnip contains approximately 21 mg of vitamin C.

5-Fighting Cancer

The rapeseed contains a high-level plant called glucosinolate, which has been shown to play a role in promoting liver function in detoxification, fighting cancer and carcinogens, and inhibiting the growth and development of cancer cells.

6-Good for heart health

The high turnip content of dietary fiber makes it a role in helping to lower bad cholesterol levels and promote cardiovascular health, as it contains the necessary folic acid to work the nerves and to promote blood circulation, potassium is important for controlling high blood pressure and promoting heart health and prevention of strokes and strokes.

7-Promotes bone health

By containing a good amount of calcium, potassium and magnesium, it also plays a role in promoting bone health, growth and prevention against osteoporosis.

8-Protects the lungs and eyes

Human lung with pleural mesotheliomaRaisins promote lung health, help relieve symptoms of asthma, combat winter and cold diseases, and contain lutein and carotene, which plays an important role in promoting eye health and protecting against macular degeneration and cataracts.

9-For healthy skin

Eating regular turnips will keep your skin looking shiny for its vitamin C, vitamin A and carotene content, which are important for maintaining healthy skin, fighting wrinkles and signs of aging.

Warning about turnips

The turnip contains oxalic acid in a few percentages, and this acid may have a role in increasing the chances of kidney stones and urinary system, so it is better for those who suffer or exposed to problems of this type cautious when eating, and drink quantities of water to suit their needs.

In conclusion, dear ones, and with the knowledge of the benefits of these turnips, it has to be included in the recipes of our daily authorities and dealt with constantly to ensure the preservation of the health of our bodies in all respects