Thursday 31 January 2019

What do you know about the benefits of carambola fruit?

Carambola fruit or star fruit, have you ever heard of this miraculous fruit before, they contribute to control diabetes, reduce cholesterol levels in the body and fight inflammation.

Bunch of star fruit aerial

The carambola fruit, known for its star-like shape, is yellowish when it is ripe and has a sweet acidic flavor, combining the taste of grapes and citrus, making it popular and favorite for many. North America, North Asia, the Caribbean Islands and Latin America are known for their production.

In addition to the distinctive taste of carambola, it has a distinctive nutritional value. It is a rich source of many antioxidants and is a source of vitamin C, vitamin B, riboflavin, folic acid and niacin. And many important minerals necessary for the body, such as: zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium.

It is also a rich source of dietary fiber and water and low in calories, each 100 grams of which contains about 31 calories only.

Benefits of Carambola

1-Enhance digestion process:

Carambola is rich in dietary fiber and water. It promotes digestion and elimination in the body and relieves it from toxins. It also contributes to softening stool, which means protecting you from constipation, digestive tract infections and hemorrhoids. Dietary fiber is defined as a fight against cancers associated with the digestive system and the colon, in particular, and promotes the intestinal health environment.

 In addition to the past, it was found that eating the post-meal carambola enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and helps in the digestion process and prevention of contact and feeling overwhelmed, especially after meals fatty.

2-Beneficial to pregnant and fetus:

Carambola is a rich source of a number of minerals and vitamins important to the pregnant and fetus, a source of folic acid is very important for the health of pregnant and fetus and circulation, and it protects the development of congenital malformations and brain development problems and deformity of the neural tube in the fetus when it gets pregnant in sufficient quantities.
Pregnant woman touching her belly

 Some evidence suggests that postnatal intake is useful in increasing breast milk production and promoting breast-feeding.

3-Useful for your beauty and skin:

It is a source of flavinoids and a rich source of vitamin C, the free and enhanced promoter of collagen production in the body. It is also rich in zinc that makes it a role in the treatment of acne and the fight against inflammation and skin problems.

4-Natural antibiotic:

Star fruit is an antibiotic for many microbes and bacteria, not only because of its antioxidant content, but because it is an anti-inflammatory that can be caused by E. coli: Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella.

5-Diabetes Control:

Because of the premium fiber content of the carambola, it is considered an organization of blood sugar levels, contributes to its preservation, and its richness in magnesium also helps to increase the effectiveness of this property. This may be one of the most suitable fruits for diabetics.

6-Eye health:

Young woman wearing eyeglasses touching her eyes with handBecause of the aroma content of vitamin A and antioxidants, it plays an important role in promoting eye health and protection from age-related problems such as macular degeneration.

7-Treatment of sleep problems and disorders:

Black woman headache and sleepingCarambola is a rich source of certain minerals that may enhance the sleep process and treat disorders, and may fight insomnia. Carambola is a source of magnesium metal is very important in the process of regulating the work of nerves and nerve impulses and help to relax and to cope with the problems of sleep disorders.

8-Enhance immunity:

The carambola fruit content of powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin C significantly contributes to the enhancement of immunity by fighting free radicals and inflammatory agents.

9-Promote cardiovascular health:

The consumption of carambola fruit in a balanced diet rich in fiber contributes to the promotion of cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and fat levels, thanks to its fiber content and its contribution to weight loss, and raising the rate of HDL cholesterol, thus contributing to reducing the risk of disease Heart and arteries and strokes.

 Its high content of magnesium helps regulate heart function and pulse rate.

10-Regulation of blood pressure:

The content of this high potassium and magnesium fruit, in contrast to its sodium deficiency, contributes significantly to the regulation of blood pressure levels and the reduction of the risk of high blood pressure.

Are there any  side effects to eat?

Despite all the health benefits borne by us carambola fruit, but there are some recommendations by specialists indicate that some categories may not suit them, such as:

*Those suffering from renal or renal failure are a high source of oxalic acid. As it may cause them nausea, vomiting and strike.

*It also found a similar effect to the grapefruit the direction of some drugs, as their components may interfere with both opiates, statins, or benzodiazepines and affect their work. So always consult your doctor before taking it if you are taking medication.

Yoga helps arthritis patients

Arthritis is painful, and it does not have a completely clear cure, so doing some things may help alleviate the symptoms of the disease, such as practicing yoga.

Group of people sitting in lotus position

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Yoga can reduce the symptoms of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study published in the Journal of Rheumatology.

The researchers said that yoga is a training of mind and body. It includes a combination of breathing control and stretching exercises as well as meditation or relaxation.

Yoga has been associated with a variety of benefits such as relieving tension and anxiety and improving the quality of life for breast cancer patients. Previous studies have found that yoga is an integrative treatment for a number of different health conditions.

Although there is no cure for arthritis, exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve symptoms. The CDC recommends people with arthritis to participate in high intensity aerobic activity for 75 minutes At least weekly, or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity sports.

Health beautiful female body peace

About 90% of people with arthritis do not follow these tips because they feel pain or not sure that the sport suits their health and what sport is best for them. "Yoga is the most appropriate sport for arthritis patients," said lead author Susan J. Bartlett. "It combines physical activity with the ability to manage stress and relaxation techniques."

In order to understand the impact of yoga on arthritis, the researchers targeted 75 adults, aged 18 years and older, who suffered from osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis, and were divided into groups:

*The first group asked them to take a 60-minute yoga course twice a week for a period of 8 weeks, along with exercising one day a week at home.

*The second group did not practice any of these activities.
After nine months of follow-up and testing, the researchers found that participants in the first group indicated an improvement in symptoms of mood, mood and energy by up to 20%, and various tests revealed that this group improved their performance by 20%, and were more able to do Everyday matters.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Benefits of mint oil and its damages and methods of use

Mint is known for its health benefits, so it is widely used around the world, but what about its oil? In the following article, you know the most important benefits of peppermint oil and related information.

Bunch of fresh mint on wooden board

Mint oil is one of the most essential oils in a month. It is used in different ways for many reasons.

Benefits of peppermint oil

The main benefits of this oil are:

1-Treatment of muscle and joint pain

Peppermint oil is a powerful pain reliever and muscle tonic and has properties that help you get rid of muscle and joint pain.
Woman with aching neck and back
In order to use mint oil in this area, put 2-3 drops of oil on the affected area three times a day, and can be mixed with lavender oil.

2. Reduces the symptoms of seasonal allergies

Mint oil calms the muscles in the sinuses and saves you from the sputum accumulated there and allergens as well.

The properties of peppermint, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory peppermint oil are among the best to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies.
To get this benefit, spread the mint oil at home, put 2-3 drops of it on your chest, back, neck and face area.

3 - contribute to the treatment of headaches

Since peppermint oil has properties that help improve the circulation of blood circulation and relax the muscles, it also contributes to the treatment of headaches, especially sister.

Place 2-3 drops of peppermint oil on your forehead and neck and lie in a dark place for some time.

4 - saves you from bad breath

Attractive young man enjoying smell of teaPeppermint oil has always been used to rid the person of bad breath, killing bacteria in your mouth and protecting your teeth and reducing the risk of tooth decay.

5. Reduce itching

The presence of Menthol in peppermint oil reduces the itching annoying if you are infected, especially those severe and may affect the sensitive places in the body.

Put a few drops of peppermint oil on the affected area, or add 5-10 drops of oil in hot water when bathing.

6. Reduces nausea

In a study conducted by researchers and targeted a number of participants, they found that the use of peppermint oil was of great benefit in reducing the problem of nausea.

To achieve this, inhalate the scent of mint oil, or add a drop of oil to a glass of water or put a few drops of oil behind your ears.

7 - The benefits of other mint oil

Other benefits of peppermint oil include:

*Open the respiratory tract when sinusitis.

*Increase energy and activity in humans.

*Relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

*Promote hair growth and intensification.

*Help to treat dandruff problem.

*Promote skin and skin health and contribute to the treatment of sunburn.

Damage to peppermint oil

In general, the use of mint oil is safe, but it is advised not to drink large amounts of it.

Drop of oil dripping from pipette into bottle of essential oilEat large amounts of peppermint oil may be toxic so do not take more than 3 drops.

Sometimes a small amount of this oil can cause the following symptoms:


*Ulcers in the mouth.

*It is also not recommended to use peppermint oil for children and infants, in addition to the need to ensure that it does not interact with any other drugs.

Garlic oil: its benefits and health damage

We all know very well what garlic is and its wonderful health benefits, but have you ever heard of garlic oil? Learn all the information associated with it in this article.

Wooden table with oil and mushrooms

Garlic oil is obtained through steam distillation of garlic cloves, or by soaking garlic in the carrier oil, allowing the active compounds in garlic to link with this oil.

Garlic oil is used in many things related to alternative medicine. What are these benefits and what are the associated damages?

Benefits of Garlic Oil

Using garlic oil would benefit you by:

1- Improve digestion process
Garlic oil contains a lot of antioxidants necessary for digestion, and it helps in the treatment of gastritis for this reason.

In addition, garlic oil generally contributes to improving and enhancing the health of the digestive system and reducing the risk of stomach cancer.

2. Reduces inflammation
Garlic oil rich in alicine (Allicin), which makes it a major role in the fight against infection.
Alicin is an anti-oxidant and a powerful inflammation, helps relieve tissue irritation and reduces joint pain.
3. Boosts metabolic processes
Many people use garlic oil because of its role in treating problems and disorders associated with metabolic syndrome, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol.

The antioxidants present in this oil directly affect metabolic syndrome, thus reducing the risk of associated problems.

4 - contribute to the treatment of headaches
Woman with migraineSome experiments have shown that using a small amount of garlic oil or even eating it will reduce severe headaches and migraine headaches.

5 - management of sugar in the body
The use of garlic oil helps regulate the production of insulin in the body and energy consumption.

Next This oil is ideal for people with diabetes, it contributes to control sugar levels as much as possible.

6. Reduce the risk of obesity
Asian woman weight loss and diet concept
It works as a catalyst for metabolism in the body as we mentioned, so the process of fat burning faster.
In addition, taking this oil helps to suppress appetite and increase the feeling of fullness for a longer period.

7 - Other health benefits of garlic oil:
These include:

*Maintain the health of the respiratory system: by opening the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of allergy and nasal congestion.
*Strengthening the immune system: Due to antioxidants and its antiviral properties, fungi and viruses.
*Promote and strengthen bone health: Garlic oil reduces the risk of osteoporosis in women by increasing their estrogen levels.
Garlic oil damage
In contrast, there are some damages associated with the use of this oil, which include:

1-Bleeding: People who take blood thinners and those undergoing surgery should not take this oil, it increases the risk of bleeding.
2-Heart problems: If you are suffering from heart disease and take medications, consult your doctor before using garlic oil, it may interact with your medicines.
Woman smelling something bad3-Smell of mouth: It is a strong oil, it may leave a strong mouth odor for some time after use.
4-Skin irritation: Before using it on your skin, we recommend that you try it on a small spot of your skin.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Natural remedies for gum swelling

Gum swelling occurs for several reasons, causes pain and other health problems, and can treat this swelling with some simple natural recipes.

Close-up of a ill woman having toothache in front of blue background

Gum swelling causes severe pain and affects the ability to perform various daily tasks, especially when drinking cold water or eating and chewing.

Through some simple methods and prescriptions, these pains can be alleviated at home and without the need for medication.

Let us know first of all the causes of swelling of the gums, and the symptoms that can be observed when the infection.

Causes of swollen gums

There are many causes that result in swelling of the gums, most notably:

calculus: The accumulation of food debris can cause inflammation and swelling of the gums.

The presence of infection in the teeth: whether viral or fungal, can develop and cause inflammation of the gums.

Dental implants: causing irritation in the gums and swelling can occur.

During pregnancy, teeth and gums become more sensitive to women as a result of hormonal changes, and may appear after masturbation.

Sensitivity: both towards certain foods and medical products used in teeth.

Symptoms of swelling of the gums

There are some symptoms associated with swelling of the gums, including:

1-Gum redness: It can be observed just by looking at the place of swelling.

2-Feelings of pain: when eating or cold drinks, or when you press the place of swelling.

3-Gum bleeding: An advanced symptom of swelling and inflammation in the gums.

4-Increase the gaps between the teeth: as a result of the occurrence of tumors.

5-Bad odor in the mouth: If the infection was due to an infection in the teeth, it may be accompanied by a foul odor.

Natural recipes for gum swelling

Here are the most effective recipes to get rid of gum swelling at home:

1 - Turmeric paste

Turmeric powder contains anti-inflammatory and fungal properties, and is therefore used to treat gum swelling without any damage, but it also prevents the incidence of black teeth.

To apply, mix turmeric powder with a little warm water until it becomes like paste, then apply to the place of swelling for 10 minutes and rinse well with lukewarm water.

2 - Spray oils

Another effective way to get rid of gum swelling is to act as a home remedy to treat the problem.

Equal amounts of these oils are mixed: mint oil, oregano, clove oil, add a little water to it and put it in a clean spray bottle.

The oils are well mixed and the mixture is sprayed onto the site of the infection, helping to relieve pain and treat inflammation.

3 - Tea bags

Many people use tea bags to treat dark circles, which are also effective for gum infections.

Hand brewing cup of black teaPut in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove it from water and wait a little until it is easy to touch, then put directly on the swelling site for at least 5 minutes.

Red tea or green tea is recommended to soothe inflammation.

4 - coconut oil

Coconut oil helps eliminate bacteria and infections, and is a good antiseptic for the mouth.

High angle view of moisturizing cream; coconut and oil on white marble boardIt is recommended to massage the place of swelling in this oil in gentle circular movements without pressure, and can be left for long periods because it does not cause any damage.

5 - almond oil

Almond oil is also used for the same purpose, preferably warmed first, and then done a little bit of it at intervals during the day.

Almond oil will purify the mouth and rid it of bacteria and thus get rid of swelling and pain.

6-Salt water

Rinse mouth with salty water is one of the best ways to treat gum swelling, which prevents the growth of bacteria and the incidence of inflammation.

Bring the salt water by adding a teaspoon of salt to the warm water, and after mixing the water and salt, rinse the mouth and get rid of this water in the basin and not swallowing.

7-Cold and hot compresses

Another method to calm gingivitis and reduce pain, and can apply cool or hot compresses, both of them will help solve the problem.

*Hot compresses: A clean cloth is soaked in hot but acceptable water, then gently pressed on the outside of the mouth in place of swelling by the cloth "not directly applied to the gums."

*Cold compresses: Roll a clean cloth around an ice bag and apply it the same way as before.

When should I seek a doctor?

In cases of simple rotations, these home remedies can be applied, but there are other cases that require consultation with a doctor:

Persistent pain and inflammation: Even with some home remedies, this indicates a problem that needs medical treatment.

Bleeding: When accompanied by swelling bleeding, it is advisable to visit the doctor to help clean the gums and mouth.

Black beans: a food treasure!

Legumes are generally known to have great benefits, but what do you know about black beans? Black beans are characterized by amazing food content, so let us know more about its many benefits in the following article.

Wooden bowl with black soybean

Black beans are a member of the family of legumes useful and important for health, what is the burden of black beans for us benefits and nutritional values?

Benefits of black beans

This type of beans has many important benefits, which may make them a food treasure.

1. Maintain bone health

Black beans contain many important nutrients for bone health and strength, such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc.

While phosphorus and calcium are important in strengthening and strengthening bone structure, iron and zinc play a pivotal role in maintaining bone strength and elastic joints.

The bones are:

*99% of calcium stock in the body.
*60% of the magnesium stock in the body.
*80% of the phosphorus stock in the body.

2. Lowering high blood pressure

Taking care to reduce sodium intake daily is essential to maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Black beans are characterized by their very low sodium content.

Crop doctor measuring blood pressure of patient
Black beans are rich in nutrients, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, which play an important role in lowering blood pressure naturally.

3 - control diabetes

Studies have found that people with type 1 diabetes, who follow a diet rich in fiber, usually have lower blood sugar levels than others.

Black beans may also help people with type 2 diabetes improve their blood sugar and insulin levels.

One cup of black beans contains about 15 grams of fiber, with the recommended daily ration of fiber 25 grams.

4. Protection against heart disease

Black beans help to promote heart health especially because of the following:

*Its high content is: fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6.

*They are completely free of cholesterol.demo 24

These factors all contribute to reducing the chances of developing cholesterol and heart disease in general, as follows:

Vitamin B6 helps prevent the accumulation of certain compounds in the body (Homocysteine), which may cause damage to blood vessels and heart problems.

Black beans contain two compounds (Quercetin, Saponins) which help in:

*Maintain regular heart movement.

*Reduce the chances of atherosclerosis.

5. Combating cancer

Black beans contain selenium, which is not usually found in most of the fruits and vegetables we know. Selenium plays a role in:

*Help liver enzymes to clean the body of some types of cancer-causing toxins.

*Slow down the growth of tumors in the body.

*Prevent cancer cells from multiplying, multiplying and spreading in the body.

*Generally, fiber obtained from legumes, such as black beans, contributes to reduced chances of colon cancer.

6. Promote digestion

Due to its high fiber content, black beans help:

*Prevent constipation.

*Organize digestion and waste disposal operations.

*Maintaining the overall health of the canal.

*Provide the necessary food for beneficial intestinal bacteria.

7. Weight loss

Dietary fiber is an important factor in overall weight loss. Fiber-rich food helps:

*Feeling fuller for longer.

*Curb appetite.

*Reduce the amount of calories consumed daily.

Several studies have indicated that the consumption of plant foods rich in fiber such as black beans:

*Reduces the chances of disease, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

*Helps to enhance the health and appearance of skin and hair.

*Helps increase energy levels.

The nutritional value of black beans

Each half cup of cooked black beans contains:

  • 7.52 g protein.
  • 0.46 grams fat.
  • 20.39 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 7.5 grams of fiber.
  • 0.28 g of sugar.
  • 23 mg of calcium.
  • 1.81 milligrams of iron.
  • 60 mg of magnesium.
  • 120 mg of phosphorus.
  • 305 mg of potassium.
  • 1 mg of sodium.
  • 0.96 milligrams of zinc.
  • 0.21 milligrams of thiamine.
  • 0.434 mg of niacin.
  • 128 mg of folic acid.
  • 2.8 mg of vitamin K.

Black beans also contain a large amount of many compounds with antioxidant properties.


Legumes in general, including black beans, contain complex sugars that are difficult for the body to digest, which may cause some puff and gas when ingested.

So we recommend following these tips to mitigate these annoying side effects:

*Start by gradually including legumes in your diet.

*Soak the grains for longer in the water before cooking.

Wheat germ: a nutritional treasure of the grain of wheat grain!

Wheat embryo has many amazing health benefits! What are the benefits of wheat germ specifically? How can you benefit from it in your diet? Is it really supernatural food?

Wheat field

The benefits of a wheat germ are not just about ordinary things, but have amazing benefits from the immune system to various body organs! What are the benefits of wheat germ? Did not you start by including it in your diet?

What is wheat germ?

Wheat germ is a small part of the center of the grain of wheat, and is only 2.5% of the weight of the grain, although the size is very small, but the utility is very large!

Realistic set cereals 3d iconWheat germ is an important part responsible for breeding wheat and producing new wheat grains, so it is an important food treasure! However, it is often eliminated when wheat grains are minced to produce flour.

It is worth mentioning that the grain of wheat with their nuts and nuts and wheat germ is one of the foods that are integrated in their nutritional value, all of which have important nutritional benefits for your health.

Nutrient value of wheat germ

Although the wheat embryo is small in size, it has amazing nutritional and health benefits! This is due to its richness of the following nutrients per 100 grams:

*6 mg of sodium.
*10 grams of fat.
*1,097 milligrams of potassium.
*10% of your daily need of vitamin C.
*5% of your daily need of calcium.
*30% of your daily need of vitamin B6.
*46% of your daily need of iron.
*78% of your daily need of magnesium.

Wheat germ is generally an excellent source of fiber and protein, and has good proportions of zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid.

Benefits of wheat germ

Here are the most important benefits of healthy wheat germ:

1- Strengthening the immune system

Adding a little wheat germ to your daily diet will give your immune system an extra boost to work efficiently and resist various diseases, especially heart disease and cancer.

Wheat germ contains a special type of protein that helps increase antioxidant activity in the body, and resistance to free pathogens.

2 - fight diabetes

The containment of the wheat germ at a high level of folic acid makes it an important factor in the prevention of diabetes in people at risk.

Many studies have linked folic acid to a harmful chemical compound in the body. If it increases, it contributes to diseases like diabetes and circulatory disease.
Hand holding a blood glucose meter measuring blood sugar, the background is a stethoscope and chart file

Therefore, regular intake of wheat germ helps reduce the level of this chemical compound in the body, thus reducing the chances of infection.

3. Anti-cancer

Adding wheat germ to your diet can help reduce the chances of developing various cancers. It may also help kill cancer cells in the body, but this is still under investigation.

4 - Strengthening the circulation system

Wheat germ has many positive effects on the circulatory system. Regular intake contributes effectively to:

*Reduce coronary artery disease and improve heart health.

*Reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol in the body, thereby reducing the chances of stroke.

*Protect arteries and maintain their public health.

5. Muscle health and better athletic performance

The wheat germ is one of the best plant sources of proteins necessary for muscle health and building and important for healing muscles after exposure to any injuries or injuries or ruptures.

Human body, frontal
What is said makes wheat germ particularly important for athletes and people who seek to build their muscles and timing in a healthy and natural way.

6. Improve metabolic processes

Wheat germ contains group B vitamins that are especially important for metabolic processes in the body and functioning efficiently and effectively.

Thiamine, niacin and folic acid help transform nutrients into energy that cells can easily take advantage of.

Thiamine also helps fight some of the chronic metabolic diseases, such as obesity.

7. For a more healthy pregnancy

Because wheat is rich in folic acid, it helps maintain pregnancy health and protects the fetus from any birth defects, especially in its nervous system.

8. Stunning  skin health

Because of its rich nutritional content, wheat germ helps in particular to combat signs of aging and improve the health of skin and hair significantly.

Wheat germ helps fight various skin and hair diseases, such as: eczema, wrinkles, hair line decline.

Cautions and damages

Although wheat germ is generally safe, there are a few caveats you should know:

Wheat germ is high in calories, which may not make it a good option for those who want to lose extra weight.

Eating wheat germ may not be a wise decision in people with gluten intolerance due to diseases such as celiac disease.